Conference Programming Discussion

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Timothy Kell

April- great question!

You can access the slides from within the conference schedule. A few things to note...

-Slides are only available to registered attendees. Thus, you will only see the slides if you are signed in using the same account (same email) that you used to register.

-We ask all presenters to share their slides and have them available a few days before their session. If a presenter has made their slides available, they will be available for download in the schedule.

-I've also added some visual instructions to the information section of our website.

Hope this helps!


1 Reply 0 Loves November 03, 2021 09:03 AM
April Furnal

Thank you so much for the visual instructions. I was only clicking on "View Session Recording" from the main conference page and not clicking on the title to then see the section in the right corner that says slides. 

0 Loves November 03, 2021 10:00 AM
April Furnal

Can you please tell me how I can access the pdf of the PowerPoint slides for sessions? Are these available for all sessions? 

Thanks! April

0 Replies 0 Loves November 03, 2021 07:19 AM